Hurricane Helene Response
"Can't Drive the Ship if you don't know the coordinates"
Introducing: The Coordinates. Our precursor efforts are bringing understanding and transparency to the operational environment. It’s helping people in Western North Carolina plan assistance towards the efforts and get relief to needed communities more efficiently. Our method is based on collecting open-source information via social media, government websites, and geographical interface systems. Most of all, please pray for those impacted, first responders, relief crews, volunteers, and especially our government.
Thank you!
Quote from unknown man in 1:23 min mark of this TikTok video by @megsnbacn:

Mapping for transparency, understanding, and planning.
View the Operating Environment
Here's our hard work reflected on Google Maps for the post-Hurricane Helene Operational Environment. We still need help forming it. Please contact us below to collaborate on donation locations, donation drop points, and other critical information to assist post-hurricane Helene planning and efficiency.
Desktop users select link or click button below (viewing only):
Mobile users (viewing only):
Free USGS Topographic Maps
USGS provides access to national topographic (topo) maps and more on their website like the Asheville map seen above. The link below will take you to the USGS tool that produces a topo map so you can get accurate readings. The standard for printing these size maps are 24 in wide x 29 in high for maps published after 2008 and Historical 7.5 Minute topographic map prints are 22 in wide x 27 in high for maps published before 2008.
Get a free US Topo map here:
Or here:
DriveNC map of NCDOT road detours after I-40, I-26, and other main and secondary roads were destroyed.
Area displaying first 30 days of Starlink connectivity for free.
Blue Ridge Energy power outage map for NC 10/8/2024.
NC National Guard (NCNG) Map of Aircraft Plan with the FAA. This also reflects on the Google Maps profile linked above.
Capability of iPhone 14 with ios 18+ to communicate with satellite in the absence of signals.
Energy United power outage map for NC 10/8/2024.
Definitions and Acronyms for the NCNG Aircraft Plan with the FAA.
NC Electric Cooperation power outage map for NC.
Rutherford EMC power outage map for NC 10/8/2024.
Haywood EMC power outage map for NC 10/8/2024.
“This satellite image gives a somber indication of the path of Helene.” John Kassel in his linked Facebook Post
French Broad EMC power outage map for NC 10/8/2024.
Important Relief/Response Contacts (We need reputable contacts for this section please)
Business Emergency Operations Center (BEOC)
If anyone wishes to travel to NC and deliver supplies, please contact the Business Emergency Operations Center (BEOC) by emailing the following criteria:
• Subject line “LOGISTICS SUPPORT”
• Detail WHAT you are moving and WHY you need special access
• Address WHEN you plan to move items and from where
• Note WHERE you are headed
• Say when you will arrive at the border of western NC and where
If you don’t do this, you’ll likely be turned away.
Emmett Marsh
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Eleanor Parks
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Contact us.
Help us fill in the gaps! What else do we need to know to make operations more efficient? Where do you see shortfalls? What are we not seeing that we should? We’re eager for your help since everything seems so overwhelming. America is going through a lot of turmoil now, but it’s you and I that will hold it togeter. Thank you for your help!
Want to help organize all the info? We may need some good people for it, but it won’t be a paid position; let us know below. Thanks!