Rot Repair
Repair rot around your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, deck, windows, doors, and even places you might not go often such as your crawlspace or basement. High Caliber Carpentry can repair it!

Here’s some of our projects
Extensive porch rot in Winston-Salem, NC.
After repair with pressure-treated wood, the major rot was taken care of. This client chose to keep the original 1940’s handrails.
Here’s the same porch without the old flooring on it. The joists were spaced too far apart with insufficient support across the span length. We consulted an engineer for the repair specifications and the end result came out great!
This is the porch beam and the idea behind its engineering.
Here’s the beam we installed to properly support the joist-span and tie the new porch framing into.
The porch now has the new framing with the proper supports! This picture shows the completed framing before we finished putting the decking on. Notice how much closer the deck joists are. The blocks in between provide strength and keep the joists straight.
Ready for your rot repair?
This is a repair we completed in a crawlspace in Kernersville, NC and costed about $850. The method we used here is called “sistering”. Sistering joists is used where a joist is weak and it’s practical to span the weak area with new lumber on either side to increase its strength and integrity. One joist was severely cut and the closer one had severe mold buildup that caused it to rot. The rotten subfloor was taken care of during a bathroom renovation.
The only reason why this family didn’t fall through the floor when using the toilet is because the toilet is fixed on top of the pipe that leads to the sewer line. The floor was so far gone that, had the plumbing been normally configured with an elbow, someone would have fallen into a nasty mess. Rot eats away at a structure quickly and can get worse than this. Fortunately here, no structural issues needed to be addressed, but after some thoughtful conversation we completed a bathroom remodel for them.
From A LOT of caulk, silicone, and tin foil to a finely finished picture window. The homeowners were pressed to get this done to avoid the bugs and pests that were coming in.
The difference is clear and so are the minds of the homeowners. Now they can focus on more important things.
Wow! If I didn’t know what I was looking for, I would have missed where the water was coming in from this door’s threshold! This is what a little bit of water can do during each storm if left unchecked.
This is one of the most critical parts of a door…and you don’t even see it. This is a sill plate. It catches water that slips behind the threshold and flashing - it’s the last line of defense…and is the cause of MOST door issues because I don’t ever see them installed. When we repair a door to this extent, we put sill plates in.
Nothing. That’s what this column is supporting. Don’t be like the column and do nothing…your rot is doing it’s job, now it’s time for us to do ours.
Water infiltrated deep on this project where we tore out the rim joist, cleaned up the area, and treated for bacteria and fungi before buttoning everything back up. We had to disassemble part of the deck seen in the foreground in order to have enough working room to effect the repair.
This is what it looks like to use improper material in an exterior situation. This is untreated lumber and framing that rotted through.
This old structural beam is failing. The jutting piece that the pinky finger is touching indicates that the beam is soft and sinking through the pillar that it’s resting on. Bug and moisture intrusion are the two biggest factors for failure here and a repair must be made SOON.
Wow…just wow. “We didn’t know anything was wrong until we accidentally put our hand on the window.” We use composite and pressure-treated material to repair rotten components - not aluminum wraps. Though using aluminum is an acceptable practice, we find that it hides more than it helps. We aim to provide quality service with materials that will last 50+ years.
Contact us.
(336) 782-3097
Boonville, NC 27011